Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Deep Breathing

Besides time with family, I spend a lot of time at my office.  My office is this magic space where kids and families come with their struggles, bravely share them with me, then work really, really hard to make things better.  The official term is "Play Therapy."  The process of play therapy is pretty magical.  It's also frequently noisy, messy, and unpredictable.  Big feelings in little people are like that.  Sometimes when it feels like there's more feelings and people than there is magic, I make some magic of my own.  I turn on some music and light a candle and take deep breaths.

If you'd like to re-create the sacred, here's how:

Pick a song about grace or love or mistakes.  My current favorites are "Not Right Now" by Jason Gray or "Grace Like Rain" by Todd Agnew.

Turn off the lights and light a candle.

Focus on the light and take deep breaths through the song.  Breathe in the love and grace and breath out the messy, noisy heartache.

Sometimes if I'm blowing out lots and lots of heartache, I blow the candle out.  And a little of the magic is lost because I'm already overwhelmed and I just EXTINGUISHED ANY LIGHT I HAD LEFT.  At this point, I do 1 of 2 things.

(1) I relight the candle and breathe more carefully.


(2) I mutter some curse words, stop the music, and walk to my nearby coffeeshop.  Because music and God and light are great, but there are somethings that only cursing and caffeine fix.

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