Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Prayer & Action

Lots and lots of hard things have been happening.  I think I lamented about it in a recent post.  As humans, we all have different ways of managing hard things.  Husband is a pastor with a strong social justice orientation.  When hard things happen, people look to Husband's response.

Sometimes, Husband shares something along the lines (my paraphrase here) of "We can't just send thoughts and prayers because we are called to DO things.  Calling your Congressman, volunteering in your child's school, testifying at Legislature are important."  Husband gets backlash for this type of comment.  Responses like (not a paraphrase): "How do you call yourself a religious leader, a man of God?  We are called to repent and pray.  What you're preaching is wrong and a disservice to your congregation.  I'm praying for you and your misled people."  

Sometimes, Husband shares something along the lines (my paraphrase here) of "I am praying and learning."  Husband gets backlash for this type of comment.  Responses like (not a paraphrase):  "Prayer is not enough.  We are in this situation because people are too busy praying and thinking.  Please consider taking some action in your local community."

The guy can't win. I wish these people would understand what the poor man is up against.  The guy has loved me through 10+ years of mornings before 9a.  To see if he was really legit, I threw in a couple pint-sized protestors who commonly take on issues like pants and protein.  And still, he shows up.  He shows up with compassion and courage.  He shows up by playing Polly Pockets and nerf guns.  And as I watch him, I've come to realize that prayer and action aren't mutually exclusive.  I think they could maybe be considered like my co-parenting relationship.  Let's say I'm action & Husband is prayer.  Just hypothetically, of course.  
When I'm left to my own devices to parent, it gets done.  But it gets done in a impatient, outcome-focused way.  See: morning routine.  I'm not sure WHY or HOW it could take 25 minutes to put on socks.  All I really care about is the tardy bell.  So, I take action now and assess collateral damage later.    

When Husband is left to his own devices to parent, he is present.  He focuses on what's important (swimming, snuggling, time together) & sometimes makes individual sacrifices to make it happen.  See: fun-filled Saturday.  Also see: empty fridge and over looked library books. 

Action AND Prayer:
It all (mostly) gets gone.  AND it gets done in a way that honors our priorities while checking things off the list.  Prayer allows me to connect with a perspective other than mine and settle into truths that transcend momentary stressors.  Action allows me to move closer towards that "thy kingdom come" principle.  When I watch horrific news coverage, I pause to look for God (prayer).  I pause to consider what scripture may say (prayer).  I pause to honor my big feelings about it all (prayer).  Then, I make a phone call to my congressperson (action).  I show up to the community meeting (action).  I arrange a wine and girlfriends night (action? prayer? not sure.  but important, regardless).  

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